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Georgian Cadastral Code Process

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Avoid Cadastral Catastrophe!

What You Need To Know About Georgian Cadastral Code Process

Understanding the Georgian cadastral code process is key to limiting property purchase complications. There are many things to consider when investing in real estate in Georgia – and researching these codes is one of them. 

Lots of countries besides Georgia use cadastral codes, it’s a common property ownership ID system. In Georgia the cadastral code format looks like this: N 

How To Get The Georgian Code

If you are interested in purchasing a property, ask the agent or owner for the assigned cadastral code. Using the Georgian Public Registry, look up the code to find the associated excerpt paper for the property you want to learn more about. If for some reason you are not given a cadastral code, you can also look it up through the Public Register of real estate in Georgia.

The excerpt papers provide official information about property ownership, for instance it will confirm who the property owner is, if there is more than one owner and if there is an existing mortgage already in place + more. These are important details you need to research before you buy.  

You have two options once you have the code: visit the Justice Hall of Tbilisi in person to learn more, or go online to the Public Registry website.

Follow these steps to get to the official records online: 

  1. Enter the cadastral code in the open tab, as shown in picture below
  2. Click search
  3. Select the latest property update (the top one)
  4. Click it to open document linked to the newest property update

The excerpt papers provide public information about the property, for instance:

  • Full name and personal ID to identify and confirm the property owner
  • Search will confirm if property ownership is shared between more than one person
  • Search will confirm address and property details such as the land function, as well as the official size in square meters, and any existing mortgage or seizure on the property besides other related details like rights and restrictions on the land

The information you find will be in Georgian, so it is strongly advised you work with a Georgian agent or real estate firm to translate the text. 

Do Your Research: Prevent Potential Catastrophe!

Failing to look up information in excerpt papers may result in fraud, paying for more than advertised, having to deal with more owners than you bargained for, and dealing with renovation or building deadlocks because of land restrictions you didn’t know about – a totally investment catastrophe that could have been avoided…had you only done your cadastral research.

DazHomes can help you with this part of the process if you are purchasing a property through us. We provide professional advice on investing and can connect you with sellers and developers. You are invited to contact our Customer Happiness Department – tell us how we can assist you today: https://dazhomes.com/contact/.

By Sonja Andic for DazHomes.

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